What are stocks?


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What are stocks?

Postby doaausef3li » Sun May 26, 2024 8:58 am

Shares are a title deed that expresses the ownership of a financial share of the organization to a specific person. According to the share price, that person contributes to the company’s capital, and then the term stock trading and the buying and selling process appeared, as it depends on the following:
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Shares are traded in the traditional term according to supply and demand. The price of the share is determined and then it is offered for sale for ownership to be transferred.
You can keep the stock for a long period until its market value rises and you can achieve profits. According to the company’s decision, profits are distributed to shareholders according to the shares they own.
You must study the shares that you will buy carefully and differentiate between ordinary shares through which you can nominate to manage the company, but which have variable returns.
According to the state of the market and among the preferred shares through which you cannot nominate the management of the company, but they have fixed returns, and in the event of liquidation, you get what is paid for them.
You can trade through CFDs that depend on making a profit through the instantaneous fluctuation that occurs in the market, as they are fast contracts.
In the past, the stock market relied on shouting to offer the stock and then the buyer accepted and paid its price, but currently this is done electronically through platforms with high transparency.
You can use leverage, which is a term that indicates an increase in the market capacity of capital to own shares. This helps you expand the investment without resorting to large initial capital.
You can choose a brokerage company that enables you to execute financial orders and provide various consultations and analyses, but be aware that they charge a commission on the trading operations that you undertake.
Pay attention to the taxes imposed on profits, as they must be calculated in order to avoid problems with late payment of taxes.

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