Offering Al-Baha rights shares to increase capital


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Offering Al-Baha rights shares to increase capital

Postby doaausef3li » Mon May 27, 2024 9:39 am

The Saudi Capital Market Authority issued a decision approving the application submitted by Al Baha Company; In order to increase its capital by offering rights shares valued at 120 million Saudi riyals.
سهم الباحه حلال ام حرام
The company announced in its statement that this step is to increase the company's capital to enable it to finance and implement future projects. And work to expand the company's various activities, in addition to working to reduce the percentage of losses and strive to increase profits.

The company noted that a vote will be held in the extraordinary general assembly to amend a number of articles of the company’s bylaws. In addition to other topics on the company’s agenda during the coming period.

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